Creating A Nutrition Goal

Creating a Nutrition Goal

When asked about our goals, and often our driving factors toward goals, our response is often outcome-based.

– Lose 30 lbs

– Fit into those pants from high school

– Have six-pack abs at the pool.

Outcome-Based Goals Leave No Room for Obstacles

Obstacles are unavoidable. Life happens!

– Stress at work

-Family responsibilities


Instead, let’s use Behavior-Based Goals!
What is a goal that points you in the direction of the objective?

Step 1: Start with the larger objective

Step 2: Name one action that can be done that points you toward achieving the objective named?

Step 3: Create a plan that is achievable and and sustainable. Knowing your life, body, and health, make sure that it is realistic.

If we are stuck in the larger dream of what we hope to attain, we set unrealistic and unsustainable goals. Sooner or later, we will feel defeated and give up.

So let’s stick with a goal we can accomplish, building a path we toward the nutrition, health, and fitness we aim to achieve!